Community SubmissionsIn 2025, we’re asking for your help. In celebration of our 80th Anniversary, we’re launching one of the biggest community projects we’ve ever attempted. This year, Cedar Point will carry out 80 Acts of Service to honor each of our 80 years. We aim to make the biggest impact in our communities for those who need it most. Whether that means helping a child learn to read, providing a meal for someone hungry, or planting a tree for a local non-profit, we’ve got a plan. Here’s where you come in. We’re taking community submissions for this project. If you know a person or organization in need of volunteers, donated items, or other support, please send us your submission. You can visit this page often to read all the updates on our year of giving back. Please join us as we celebrate the last 80 years and look forward to a bright future for Cedar Point, our members, and our employees. To submit your idea for an act of service, please complete the form by clicking the button below. |
LimitationsCedar Point Federal Credit Union is dedicated to positively impacting the communities we serve, including working closely with individuals and charitable organizations that make a difference in our neighborhoods through the arts, entertainment, financial education, and beautification projects. While we wish we could support every organization which sends a request, we don't have the capacity to do so. Because of this, Cedar Point cannot provide support for any of the following requests:
*We may choose to make exceptions for national organizations with local chapters on a case-by-case basis. Cedar Point will make every effort to process your request in a timely manner. A decision to deny a request does not imply that the applicant's program is not needed or worthy but simply that it does not fall within our giving guidelines or priorities or that support is not available. If your organization is interested in corporate sponsorship in lieu of an Act of Service, please visit our community page for more information on sponsorships and to apply.
Recent Community ActivityCedar Point Federal Credit Union® is dedicated to positively impacting the communities we serve. We believe in the credit union philosophy of "People Helping People" and are honored to have the opportunity to support organizations that provide a wide range of services, projects, and events to enrich Southern Maryland. Throughout the year, employees volunteer at Cedar Point-sponsored events like Christmas in April in Calvert and St. Mary's counties, the Southern Maryland Community Resources Inc (SMCR) Solomons Dragon Boat Races, and St. Mary’s River Watershed Association’s Riverfest. They also volunteer on their personal time through Special Olympics Maryland, working with local 4H programs, mentoring students at local high schools, participating in community clean-ups, and serving on boards and committees throughout Southern Maryland. The MD|DC Credit Union Association recognized our dedication to service in 2019 with the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Community Service Award. We believe in banding together to help one another, member to member. We can see all the smiles from those we've been able to impact with the time and funds we've donated. Check back often to see what we've been up to! |